Oct. 1 - Dec. 31

Result Goal

Think of this as the main goal.

Learn TypeScript deeply and become the Echobind "in-house expert" measured by:

Progress Goals

Ideally, break down your Result Goal into 2-3 smaller goals

Actions + Tasks

Take your progress goals and figure out what actions/tasks will help you achieve them.

### Legend
- PT = "Programming TypeScript
- OTH = "Official TypeScript Handbook"
- OS = "open source"

### Repository
All notes and exercises will be kept in this repository:

Still considering how I'll do the exercises, but I'm thinking something like:

// Short explanation of interfaces

interface MyFunctionInterface {
	id: string;
	type: string;

function callAction({ id, type }: MyFunctionInterface): string {
	return `You called action with id: ${id} of type: ${type}`

- [ ]  Week 1 (Sept 30)
    - [x]  PT
        - [x]  Chapter 1 - Introduction
        - [x]  Chapter 2 - TypeScript: a 10__000 foot view
            - [x]  book exercises
        - [x]  Chapter 3 - All About Types
            - [x]  book exercises
    - [ ]  OTH
        - [ ]  Basic Types
        - [ ]  Variable Declarations
    - [x]  [Finish the-tiny-ts-compiler](<https://echobind.slack.com/archives/CDRS3UQ7M/p1569972391005800>)
    - [x]  Committed Exercises + Notes
    - [x]  TypeScript Tuesday
        - [x]  Post on Slack
            - [x]  [<https://echobind.slack.com/archives/CDRS3UQ7M/p1569972391005800>](<https://echobind.slack.com/archives/CDRS3UQ7M/p1569972391005800>)
        - [x]  Post on Twitter
            - [x]  [<https://twitter.com/jsjoeio/status/1179174679405187073?s=20>](<https://twitter.com/jsjoeio/status/1179174679405187073?s=20>)
- [ ]  Week 2 (Oct 7)
    - [ ]  PT
        - [ ]  Chapter 4 - Functions
            - [ ]  book exercises
        - [ ]  Chapter 5 - Classes and Interfaces
            - [ ]  book exercises
    - [ ]  OTH
        - [ ]  Interfaces
        - [ ]  Classes
        - [ ]  Funcions
    - [ ]  Committed Exercises + Notes
    - [ ]  TypeScript Tuesday
        - [ ]  Post on Slack
        - [ ]  Post on Twitter
- [ ]  Week 3 (Oct 14) (conference week - may be difficult)
    - [ ]  PT
        - [ ]  Chapter 6 - Advanced Types
            - [ ]  book exercises
    - [ ]  OTH
        - [ ]  Generics
        - [ ]  Enums
        - [ ]  Type Inference
    - [ ]  Committed Exercises + Notes
    - [ ]  TypeScript Tuesday
        - [ ]  Post on Slack
        - [ ]  Post on Twitter
- [ ]  Week 4 (Oct 21) (company retreat)
    - [ ]  PT
        - [ ]  Chapter 7 - Handling Errors
            - [ ]  book exercises
    - [ ]  OTH
        - [ ]  Symbols
        - [ ]  Decorators
    - [ ]  Committed Exercises + Notes
    - [ ]  TypeScript Tuesday
        - [ ]  Post on Slack
        - [ ]  Post on Twitter