Why am I interested in TypeScript for my ultralearning project?

JavaScript Industry → TypeScript

I am making a bet that the industry is moving towards TypeScript as a norm for jobs in the future. 46% of people in 2018 said they would use TS again. 33% said they were interested in learning. That's almost 80% of the surveyed population! By this, I'm making a bet that studying TS will push my skills to the next leve.

Frontend + Backend

Compared to other things I was contemplating for my project, TypeScript is a language which can be used on both the frontend and the backend. This means it will help me level up as a fullstack developer.

In-house Expert at Echobind

One of the things Jeff mentioned during the FD retro was that we didn't have "in-house" experts for the newer technologies we were using on the project. That got me thinking → EB uses TS as part of our "default stack" → why not combine my personal project with my investment time at work? This allows me to spend a significantly larger chunk of time on my project than if I only did it outside of work. Plus, I'll be able to fill that role of being the EB TypeScript expert, and hopefully help my colleagues level up by sharing my knowledge.

Improve JS Skills

By studying TS, not only do I improve at TS as a language but it's guaranteed that my JavaScript skills will also expand to the next level.